A lot of people don't like Winnipeg, or at least don't know that they actually do. One of the questions I get asked the most is "Why Winnipeg?" and I have many reasons, a lot of them have to do with comminity and friends but I do find there is a true beauty to Winnipeg you just have to look.
One of my favourite Blogs is called WinnipegLoveHate. If you wanna check it out.
It's basically a photographer taking photos of the city and most of them I look at and am going "this is pretty where the heck was this taken, I have never seen this before."
I'm currently enroled in a Professional driver course and am spnding my days cruising around town in an 18 Wheeler and am constantly discovering new areas.
So it's been on my mind for a while now that I wannt to explore Winnipeg more, but I have never done anything about it. Like where do you start,it seems like such an overwhelming task. Well I have decided to approach it systematically so on Saturday I went out and bought a Map.
So I'm hoping to systematically walk Winnipeg whenever I get a chance. I realize that this might be a lifetime project, but Toby Mac would say "If you gotta start somewhere why not here if you got sometime why not now".
So yep that's what this blog is all about.
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